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AFCOMA owes its origin to a private Army organization called the The ROCKS Inc., an organization that started a visitation program to Army ROTC Detachments at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) to facilitate the cadets’ transition from life on campus to life in the Army. The Army ROCKS Inc., a non-profit organization that was founded in 1974 to provide a continuing means of career development and enlightenment to minority officers.


In 1982, ROCKS initiated an Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (AROTC) visitation program, providing career information to Army ROTC cadets that would permit them to hit the ground running upon entering active duty. Recognizing a similar need for this type of program in the Air Force, Col Paul Patton joined the ROCKS and set out to tailor the program for Air Force use.  In 1982, he reached out to a small group of friends in the Washington DC Metropolitan area including Brigadier General Russell C. Davis, Colonel James C. Crump, Colonel Wade Gattling, and Major Thomas L. Bain to accept the Army ROCKS’ invitation to join them in the mission of inspiring and motivating eager cadets at historically black colleges and universities to become the best officers possible. In 1983, Army ROCKS invited the Air Force officers to join their visitation program. Recognizing a need for senior leader support, the team asked Lieutenant General Winston D. Powers, Director of the Defense Communications Agency, to serve as the Senior Executive Advisor.  Based upon their shared mission with the Army ROCKS, the group called itself the Air Force ROCKS Briefing Team (AFRBT). They conducted their initial AFROTC visit with the financial support of the Army ROCKS but still incurred some out of pocket expense for this noble initiative. 


Motivated by the ever-increasing requests for visits, the group expanded to 12 members in 1986.  Maj Thomas L. Bain served as the Air Force ROCKS Briefing Team (AFRBT) coordinator.  General Bernard P. Randolph, Commander of Air Force Systems Command, became the team’s new sponsor following General Powers’ retirement.  In his September 12, 1988 letter to Lieutenant General Thomas J. Hickey, Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel, General Randolph requested that General Hickey investigate officially sponsoring the briefing team through Air Force personnel channels.  On January 23, 1989, General Hickey officially endorsed the efforts of the Air Force "ROCKS" Briefing Team and solicited strong support of all ROTC personnel.  Following this great news, the team changed its name and founded the Air Force Cadet Officer Mentor Action Program (AFCOMAP) on June 30, 1989 under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Donald W. Newton.  Colonel Paul G. Patton became AFCOMAP’s first president.  Captain Alphronzo Moseley, an original founding member, gave the organization its name.